Background & Bond History
Bond Proposal Based on Recommendation by Citizens Committee
Development of the bond proposal involved an in-depth process of information gathering, research and community input.
From March through May 2023, the district’s Facility Planning Task Force (FPTF) met five times to develop a framework for the future. Their plan addresses aging and evolving facility needs. The Committee studied enrollment history, financial data, facility age and conditions, and more. This process – and all the information reviewed – led the Task Force to make a bond recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
The FPTF is comprised of parents, non-parents, campus staff, community and business members, and a mix of backgrounds and geographic representation. The Task Force represents a cross-section of the school district.

Voters in the Hurst, Euless and Bedford communities have approved multiple bond propositions in the district’s recent history. Expand the sections below to see projects from the last three bond elections.
Bond History
In 1997, HEB ISD voters approved a $170 million bond package that provided for major technology upgrades, allowed major renovations at nearly all campuses, and funded the construction of the Pat May Center administration building.
In 2011, HEB ISD voters approved two bond packages for $136.5 million total. Proposition 1 allowed building repairs, classroom technology upgrades, and relocation of two buildings due to expansion of Texas State Highway 183. Proposition 2 allowed for the construction of activity centers to house extracurricular programs at L.D. Bell and Trinity High Schools, and for renovations to re-purpose the spaces those extracurricular programs were using.
The bond program included:
• New Activity Center at Bell and Trinity High School
• Buinger Career & Technical Academy
• New Auxiliary Services Center
• Technology Upgrades
• Roof and HVAC Upgrades
All projects from the 2011 bond were completed on-time and on-budget.
In 2018, HEB ISD voters approved a $199 million bond election with an overwhelming 71.27% of voters in favor of the proposition. This bond package included two new elementary schools, the repurposing of West Hurst Elementary, additions & renovations at all five junior high schools and technology upgrades.
The bond program included:
• Two New Elementary Schools
• Repurpose West Hurst Elementary
• Additions at all five Junior High Schools
• Renovations at all five Junior High Schools
• Interior improvements
• Central JHS orchestra addition and cafeteria seating
• Euless JHS main entry
• Technology Upgrades