This website was developed prior to the 2023 bond election and shows preliminary information and plans.
For up-to-date project information, use the link above or navigate to www.hebisd.edu/bond2023.
Thank you for supporting the HEB ISD bond election!
November 2023 Election Results:
Prop A: 57% in favor
Prop B: 58% in favor.
New Buildings for L.D. Bell and Trinity High Schools
Read more about the proposed plan to replace both high schools.
New Buildings for 4 Elementary Schools
Learn more about the 4 new elementary schools included in this bond proposal.
Safety, Security & Technology
Review how this bond would fund safety and security updates, provide additional security equipment, and update technology.
Tax Information
HEB ISD has the lowest tax rate in the area and is committed to financial transparency and stability. Read more about school property taxes.
Community Meetings
Join us at a Community Bond Presentation to learn more about the upcoming election.